Morning Ginger Potion
This Ayurvedic drink helps radiate health from the inside. The first thing the body needs upon awakening is hydration. On an empty stomach, the first thing ingested goes directly to the intestins and the vitamins are absorbed directly into the blood stream. This “ cocktail” or “potion” is ideal for remineralizing, rehydrating and cleansing the body.
The first time I tested this drink was while I was in Yoga teacher training. I had classes on Ayurvedic nutrition and , since I was coming down with a cold, I decided to give this recipe a try. I drank it in the morning when I woke up and poured the rest into a Thermos that I sipped throughout the rest of the day. I was surprised at how quickly it affected me. Within just 5 minutes of drinking it on an empty stomach my sinuses cleared. By the next morning my cold symptoms were gone. I continued drinking it every morning and noticed an improvement in my sensitive digestion and my Reynolds syndrome, a hereditary condition of poor blood circulation to the extremities. I was so convinced by the results that I’ve continued drinking it every morning for 20 years. I make it for my friends and family staying with me and they are amazed and convinced by the results, becoming daily “morning potion” drinkers as well. Even people who dislike ginger initially adjust to the warming sensation it gives and eventually enjoy it. My husband hated ginger, but he loves this drink now and drinks it every morning. Sometimes I call it my “morning margarita” because of the nice kick it has.
Ayurveda means life consciousness, but most of all, like Yoga, it is an art and philosophy of life. Yoga and Ayurveda, sister sciences, are parallel, complementary and they are based on the concept of energy and the elements which is a very long subject to get into. Ayurveda prescribes therapeutic and preventive remedies for physical and mental well-being through healthy eating, massage, and a regular yoga practice.
Ayurveda considers ginger and lime to be two of the best foods for the body ( apple would be the third best food because it balances the digestive system). In the morning, our digestive system isn’t very awake or warmed up yet. Ginger is warming and stimulates the digestive fires and the appetite. It also helps fight nausea, so it’s excellent for pregnancy morning sickness or for fighting transportation sickness. When caught at the beginning, it’s excellant in fighting colds. It is anti-inflammatory which help decongestion sinuses and stimulate the blood circulation. It has anti bacterial properties, so it helps fight infections and helps in keeping clear skin. Ginger is excellent for diabetes and for weight control, because it regulates blood sugar levels and regulates the sensations of hunger. The presence of Vitamin A and C are excellent for hair and for stimulating the immune system. The anti-oxydent properties of ginger have been proven to help prevent the damage of brain cells that can cause neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer and Dementia. Lime ( or lemon , if you prefer) is full of Vitamin C and its “acidity” neutralises the excess of acidity that may still be present in the stomach from difficult digestion the night before, helping to combat heart burn. It is most effective when consumed on an empty stomach, because it goes directly to the intestins and cleanses helping to keep the elimination organs functioning properly. Clearer intestines, means clearer mind! This drink can be consumed at other times of the day as well, especially when fighting a cold or during physical efforts. Ginger based drinks accelerate muscle recuperation after physical effort, so it can be used during or after physical training.
You can test this for yourself! Take the challenge and drink this for 7 days and see for yourself!
A tip for saving time is to prepare this the night before and you can even make enough ginger liquid ( without the lime juice) for 2 days for 2 people, keeping it in the refrigerator. You can also grate enough ginger pulp ahead and store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. Use fresh ginger only. Ginger powder can be irritating for the stomach. You are free to use lime or lemon, whatever you have on hand or prefer, but in India lime is used more. The advantage of limes are that they don’t have seeds, so they are a time saver! I have a ceramic ginger grater, but any grater works fine. If you aren’t crazy about ginger, don’t worry, start with less and you can increase gradually as you get accustomed to the taste. You can also add water at the end , if it seems too strong for you.
Ingredients for 2 people:
A piece of fresh ginger , about the size of your thumb
1 lime or lemon ( 1/2 per person)
1 tsp (more or less according to taste) honey or other un refined sugar ( in India they use jaggery, a hard brown sugar which contains a lot of minerals)
Wash and peel the ginger. If you wash it with a vegetable brush, the skin comes off by itself. It’s also easy to peel the skin off by scraping it with the edge of a spoon, but you don’t even have to peel it it all, if it’s organic. You will be straining it anyway at the end.
Grate the ginger over a sauce pan and let water run onto the grater to rince all the ginger into the pan. Or save some of the ginger pulp aside in an airtight container.
Bring the liquide to boil and the lower to a simmer for about 5 minutes or until it gets an amber color. If preparing the night before, you can let the water simply sit at room temperature in the pan overnight and by the next morning it will already be infused into an amber color. The you can simply just heat it up. The following days you can simply reheat it in the microwave.
While the liquide is heating up , press 1/2 lime or lemon into a glass or mug per person
Filter the liquide into the glass with a tea strainer or a flour sifter
Add the sweetener of your choice😋
Wait 15 minutes before having anything else to drink or eat to let it take effect in your system.
If you find the drink too strong , just add water! When you drink it, be receptive to the immediate sensations: you should feel a nice warming sensation in the stomach, the appetite opening up, the sinuses clear, the digestive system warmed up. With the observation, you can adapt your quantities of ginger ( or water) or sugar according to your personal taste and you will probably find it pleasant , even for taste to drink daily. I hope after 7 days you will enjoy this and want to share it with others as well.
Drink hot or warm. Enjoy!😋
Take the challenge for 7 days and notice the benefits!